Sunday, May 31, 2020

영어문법공부 at Step-Up English Academy

Grammar has always been one of the aspects of English communication that presents a challenge to learners. A classic example of this is the difficulty of making the subject and the verb of a sentence agree. Grammarians call this subject-verb agreement, commonly abbreviated S-VA.

The basic concept behind S-VA is that if the subject is singular (one), the verb should end with “-s”. The same rule applies when the subject is uncountable. On the other hand, if the subject is plural, the verb is not conjugated with “-s”. Let’s take a look at some examples.

a.      Mary likes cake.

b.      Mary and Jane like cake.

The subject in the first sentence (Mary) is singular, while the subject in the second (Mary and Jane) is plural. Hence, likes was used in the first sentence, and like was used in the second.

Watch the video to know more. Also, watch out for more grammar videos from Step-Up English Academy. We will upload games and quizzes in the following weeks.

Are you worried about your grammar?


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1 comment:

John Kim said...

효과적으로 공부하려면 어떻게 하면 좋은지에 대해서 고민하시는 분들은 읽어 보세요. ^^

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