Sunday, May 31, 2020

영어문법공부 at Step-Up English Academy

Grammar has always been one of the aspects of English communication that presents a challenge to learners. A classic example of this is the difficulty of making the subject and the verb of a sentence agree. Grammarians call this subject-verb agreement, commonly abbreviated S-VA.

The basic concept behind S-VA is that if the subject is singular (one), the verb should end with “-s”. The same rule applies when the subject is uncountable. On the other hand, if the subject is plural, the verb is not conjugated with “-s”. Let’s take a look at some examples.

a.      Mary likes cake.

b.      Mary and Jane like cake.

The subject in the first sentence (Mary) is singular, while the subject in the second (Mary and Jane) is plural. Hence, likes was used in the first sentence, and like was used in the second.

Watch the video to know more. Also, watch out for more grammar videos from Step-Up English Academy. We will upload games and quizzes in the following weeks.

Are you worried about your grammar?


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Monday, May 25, 2020

영어를 배우는건 재미있다. vs 영어로 의사 전달을 잘 못해 답답하다.

Many learners of English feel frustrated and stressed out because they have difficulty expressing themselves in English or their lessons are difficult.  At Step-Up English Academy, teachers are trained to balance learning📖 and having fun🥳. In other words, teachers open doors for students to practice their English skills while doing interesting activities.

Watch the video ☝️ to see an example of one of our English language games.

Also, check the article and the video in this link for you to have an idea about how we do our classes. Our camp classes and online classes are similar.

Thanks for visiting our blog. 🙏🙏🙏 Stay safe and healthy. 😷

Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 
Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

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Friday, May 22, 2020

Can't Go Outdoors? Have Fun Learning English Online

학습과 즐거움의 균형을 맞추는 것이 최고의 영어 학습센터이다. 스텝 업은 주말은 학생들을 행복하게 한다. 우리 학생들이 여행을 가는 많은 장소들 하나는 잠발레스에 위치한 산펠리페 지역이다.

As a premier English language center that balances learning and having fun, Step-Up spoils its students on weekends. One of the many locations where our students go on a trip to is San Felipe, Zambales.

 펠리페잠발레스는 해안 지역에 위치해 있는데한낮에 옅은 흰색으로 변하는 회색빛 모래를 가지고 있다 마을은 그들이 수영서핑보드 그리고 다른 모험적인 해변 활동에 빠져들  있는 장소를 찾는 방문객들을 위한 여행 장소다방문객들 사이에서  알려진 것은 해변 휴양지들이 제공하는 ATV이다.

San Felipe, Zambales is located in a coastal area, which has grayish sand that which turns pale white in the middle of the day.  This town is a go-to location for visitors seeking destinations where they can indulge themselves in swimming, bodyboarding and other adventurous beach activities. Well-known among visitors is the ATV (all-terrain vehicle) ride that beach resorts in the place offer. 

ATV 브레이크를  조작할  있다면 대부분의 아이들이   있다이는 여행경주또는 그냥 돌아다니는  사용될  있다이러한 다양한 활동은 대부분 주말에 스텝업에서 하는 것이다일주일 내내 열심히 일하고 공부한  후에우리 학생들과 우리는 그렇게  것에 대해 탓하지 못할 것이다결국 함께 즐기는 가족은 함께 지낸다다음 캠프에서 함께 빈둥빈둥 놀아보자!

ATVs can be ridden by most children, provided they can maneuver the brakes well. These vehicles may be used for travelling, racing, or just goofing around. The latter, undeniably, is what most of us do in Step-Up on weekends. Well, after working hard the whole week, our kids and we cannot be blamed for doing so. After all, the family that goofs together stays together. Let’s goof around on ATVs next camp or maybe online!


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Step-Up Builds Confidence in English Skills

What is Step-Up’s Young Leader’s Talk and how do Leadership Course students make their speeches?

Step-Up’s Young Leader’s Talk is a speech platform for Step-Up’s Leadership Course students. These students are encouraged to write the speeches they deliver. The topics of Leadership Course students are social issues, which are primarily based on TED Talks.

When writing speeches, Leadership Course students start with brainstorming. The goal is to produce less common vocabulary and to generate and express their ideas in English.

In their writing class, they practice to use a variety of sentence structures, including compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. This practice boosts their grammar skills. Aside from this, they also train to organize their ideas in paragraphs and essays by following academic standards.

Their speaking classes are a venue for them to practice delivering their ideas well. They also do exercises in pronunciation, accent reduction, and phrasing.

Watch the video to get a glimpse of how our Leadership Course students deliver their speeches.

We look forward to seeing your child in Young Leader’s Talk.

Thanks for reading.


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

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Monday, May 18, 2020

Cute Little Anna is Now a Queen

Since we published an article and a video on how to pronounce "vegetable", the video has been on top of our searches from people who follow our Facebook page. This video features Anna and how she accurately pronounced the word. In our YouTube channel, her video is also the most viewed and currently the most liked among the videos that we have uploaded on YouTube.
Congratulations Anna, the Queen!

Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish
Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏
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Friday, May 15, 2020

Why are Fridays Happy Days? 왜 금요일은 행복한 날일까요?

Why are Fridays Happy Days?

금요일은 행복한 날일까요?

Have you ever asked yourself why you feel better as the week ends? Have you noticed whether your teachers have a brighter face on Fridays? 

주가 끝나면서 기분이 좋아졌는지 스스로에게 물어본 적이 있나요? 선생님들이 금요일마다 밝은 얼굴을 하고 있는지 알아차리셨나요?

Researchers claim that this may be due to “weekend effect”. “Weekend effect” gives a sense of greater freedom to people, which they do not usually have on weekdays while doing work at school or at one’s workplace. 

연구원들은 이것이 "주말 효과" 때문일 있다고 주장합니다. "주말 효과" 사람들에게 자유로움을 주는데, 이것은 사람들이 평일에 학교에 가거나 회사에서 일을 할때에는 느낍니다.

Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, reports that this sense of freedom is associated with the fact that people, on weekends, have more engagement in activities that they are keen on. 

로체스터 대학의 심리학과 교수인 리차드 라이언은 이러한 자유로움은 주말에 사람들이 그들이 열망하는 활동에 많은 참여를 한다는 사실과 관련이 있다고 보고합니다.

Considering this, Step-Up English academy devotes to providing opportunities for our students and teachers to seize optimal well-being by promoting activities for better moods and less stress. Check the video and see how we work for it.

이를 고려해 스텝업 영어학원은 나은 환경과 스트레스를 받는 활동을 촉진함으로써 우리 학생들과 교사들이 행복을할수 있는 환경을 만드는데 전념하고 있습니다. 비디오를 보고 어떻게 이루어지는지 확인해보세요.


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish
Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

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왜 금요일은 행복한 날일까요?
영어 공부, 영어 수업, 영어 시간, 영어 캠프가, 온라인 영어, 화상영어, 화상영어, 필리핀화상영어, 필리핀방학캠프, 어학연수, 영어공부, 영어회화, 원어민 화상영어, 일대일화상영어, 전화영어, 어린이 화상영어, 파닉스 공부, 영어회화 공부하기,

스텝업 잉글리쉬 아카데미

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Step-Up Speech Competition Improves Students' English Skills

Step-Up Speech Competition  is held during the completion exercises in a camp. Each student is given a topic, which could be anything under the sun.

When preparing for their speeches, students do brainstorming. They practice how to generate ideas and express these in English. Also, they learn more vocabulary.

In writing, they learn simple sentences, compound sentences, and common complex sentences. This helps them improve their grammar skills.

In their speaking class, they practice how to express themselves in English and pronounce words accurately.

Watch the video to see a speech delivered by one of our most adorable students.


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏


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Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Parents' Day

Our Message to All Parents in the World
We salute our parents for bringing us to this world and raising us.
Thank you 🙇‍♂️ for changing our dirty diapers...😂,
bringing food to the table,
sending us to school,
and ..... and..... and.....😂.
This blog isn't enough to show how much 
we appreciate you.
Always know that you will always be our big bosses,
and you will always have our respect. 🙇‍♂️


Contact Details
Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

Follow us on Facebook (>)✌
and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Thanks 🙏🙏🙏

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이전 게시물 (Previous Posts)

How to Improve Your English Sentences

Improve Your English Comprehension