Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Captain Cook, A Step-Up Junior Camp Activity

Have you ever bought a product online that looked absolutely different when you received it? Have you ever called a stranger a name thinking he or she is someone you know? If you have, then you must have felt the same way like some of our students in their cooking adventures.

Some of our students were taught how to make French toast. Of course, they were taught what the ingredients are and the procedure that they should follow. However, some of them must have slept during their extracurricular activity, and this is the cause of today’s conundrum. Is the food in the video fried tofu, potato, or French toast?

Click the link below to watch the video.
Captain Cook _ YouTube link

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Can you pronounce "vegetable" well?

Pronunciation is key in expressing oneself clearly. In this article, we take a look at how Korean pronunciation is different from English pronunciation and why “vegetable” sounds different when pronounced by many Korean learners of English.

In English, consonants can be pronounced individually or pronounced with a vowel sound that is very faint. This is quite different from Korean consonants, of which the pronunciation is commonly paired with a vowel sound to form a syllable. Hence, when some Korean students say “vegetable”, the syllabication is “ve-ge-ta-ble”. In English, on the other hand, it is “vege-ta-ble”.

Check the video to see how vegetable is pronounced in English.

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Friday, April 24, 2020

Level Up your English Skills - Step-Up Method

I’m stuck.” I bet many would say this after learning how to make simple sentences. If you want to make headway, follow Step-Up’s “three-point goal”.
"영어 실력이 늘지 않아" 많은 사람들이 간단한 문장을 만드는 법을 배우고 이렇게 느끼곤 합니다. 영어실력의 향상을 원한다면, Step-Up "3 목표" 해보세요.

Setting goals is indispensable in making progress. Consider the following points:
목표를 설정하는 것은 발전를 위해 반드시 필요합니다. 다음 사항을 고려하십시오.

1. Talk about a topic in a minute. How many sentences can you make within that time limit? If you can make five sentences, add two or three to the number. Hence, your goal should be to express your ideas with five to seven or five to eight sentences per minute. You can increase the base number, which is 5, as you progress. For example, you can try 6 to 8 or 6 to 9.
1분동안 주제에 대해 말해보세요. 1분동안 문장을 만들 있나요? 1분동안 만들 있는 문장의 수를 정했다면, 숫자에 2~3 더하세요. 이것이 목표가 것입니다. 만약 5개의 문장들을 만들 있다면, 목표는 분당 5 ~ 7 또는 5 ~ 8 개의 문장으로 자신의 생각을 표현하는 것입니다. 수업을 진행하면서 실력이 향상됨에 따라 목표를 늘릴 있습니다. 예를 들어 5~7, 5~8개의 문장에서 6~8, 6~9개의 문장을 만드는 것으로 목표를 늘릴 있습니다.

2. Vary your choice of sentence structures. Instead of using “and” or “but”, why not try using “in addition” or “however”?
다양한 문장을 만들어 보세요. "and" "but" 과같은 단어도 대신 뜻이 같은 "in addition" "However" 사용해 보는 어떤가요?.

3. Be enthusiastic when doing the first two. You can never go wrong with a positive attitude.
처음 가지를 열정을 가지십시오. 긍정적이고 열정적인 태도를 가지면 목표를 반드시 이룰 있을 것입니다.

Remember that achieving the three-point goal requires discipline. Also, whatever goals you set, make sure that they are realistic and specific.
"3 목표" 달성하려면 훈련이 필요합니다. 또한 우리가 설정하는 목표는 현실적이고 구체적이어야 합니다.

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Junior Camp Classes

If you are a parent and you are wondering what we teach our students, then you are reading the right article.

First of all, let us take a look at the number of hours our students spend on learning. They spend about 10 hours, and their first class is at 8 AM. Their classes (영어 수업) are either one-on-one or in a group (1:4).

One-on-one classes are done to improve the language skills that our students need the most. Usually, these skills are speaking, reading, and writing. Group classes, on the other hand, are designed to help students have more interaction with other learners. These are indispensable as English, just like any other languages, is not only used when one person communicates with another but also when one person has a conversation with two or more people. For this reason, our students take group classes such as discussion and listening. Grammar classes are also held in groups.

The classes that one student takes are sometimes different from what another student takes. This happens as learners have different needs and level. When students come for the camp, they take a level test for us to determine which books are appropriate for each student. For instance, one student could be assigned a phonics book if he still has difficulty reading words, which means that reading books with texts or stories are inappropriate for him.

This article will most likely give you an overview of what Step-Up English Academy students learn. Contact us for more details.

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Cursed Crayon - Step-Up's Weekend Getaway 1 (영어 캠프가)

Subic Freeport Zone, the location of Step-Up English Academy, is home to bustling watercraft. Not surprisingly, a yacht club was established for this reason. Part of our long list of activities is getting our students experience yachting. 

스텝업 잉글리쉬 아카데미의 위치인 수빅 프리포트 존에는 수상레저들이 자리잡고 있다. 이러한 이유로 요트클럽이 주변에 있기도 하다. 우리의 활동 하나는 학생들이 요트를 타는 것이다.

Yachting is a must-do activity when visiting the free port. Yachts take visitors to the crystal clear waters of Subic Bay, which is highly recommended for snorkeling, diving, and fishing. Despite being a busy port, Subic Freeport has managed to maintain its clean sea. This, without a doubt, is the most significant factor that has kept the sea teeming with sea creatures; moreover, it is also why many of our students enjoy our camps.
요트를 타는것은  수빅을 방문할 반드시 해야 일중 하나이다. 요트는 스노클링, 다이빙, 낚시등이 추천되는 수빅의  수정같이이 맑은 물로 사람들을 데려간다. 수빅 프리포트는 바쁜 항구임에도 불구하고 깨끗한 바다를 유지한다. 이것은 의심의 여지 없이, 우리가 수빅항에서 다양한 바다생물을 볼수 있는 이유다.; 게다가 이것은 많은 학생들이 우리의 캠프를 즐기는 이유이기도 하다.

It is difficult to illustrate how camp life is in this urban bay area. In a nutshell, however, it offers a balance of learning English language and living an urban life surrounded by rustic scenery of the sea. If that is confusing, Step-Up offers camps for you to have a first-hand experience of what life in urban bay area is.
지역의 캠프 생활이 어떤 설명하기는 어렵다. 그러나 한마디로 영어를 배우고, 바다 풍경에 둘러싸인 도시생활을 하는 것의 균형을 맞춘다. 만약 그것이 혼란스럽다면, Step-up 당신이 수빅 지역의 삶이 무엇인지 직접 경험할 있는 캠프를 제공한다.

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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Monday, April 20, 2020

영어 문장을 향상시키는 방법-스텝 업 방법 (How to Improve Your English Sentences - Step-Up Method)

Jooha is an eight-year-old kid whose challenges in speaking English include using almost the same sentence structure and speaking too fast.

주하는 8 학생입니다. 처음 화상영어를 시작했을때 영어를 함에 있어 거의 같은 문장 구조를 사용하고 빨리 말하려고 하는 습관이 있었습니다.

With consistent practice, he has learnt how to vary his sentences when expressing his ideas. Why was he taught to do so?

우리 화상영어로 공부를 하면서 그는 자신의 생각과 표현을 문장으로 표현하는 법을 공부했습니다. 그렇게 공부했을까요?

First, using a variety of sentences helps a speaker have more choices when speaking. Doing so also helps a speaker control his pace in speaking.  As a result, speaking becomes easier, which leads us to the next point– fluency, a very important aspect of speaking. The easier you express yourself, the more fluent you become.

첫째 다양한 문장을 사용하는 것은 말하는 사람이 쉽게 이해 있도록 도움을 있습니다. 그렇게 하는 것은 또한 연설자가 말하는 속도를 조절하는데 많은 도움이 됩니다. 결과적으로 말하는 것은 쉬워지고, 이것은 우리가 말하는 것의 매우 중요한 측면인 유창함으로 이끌어 줍니다. 자신의 생각을 쉽게 표현 수록 영어는 유창해 있습니다.

Contact Manager Kim Namhyung
Tel.: +82 10 6377 3971 / +82 31 287 2971
Kakao Talk: stepupenglish

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이전 게시물 (Previous Posts)

How to Improve Your English Sentences

Improve Your English Comprehension